This website is a platform for fantasy sports. This website is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the user or the player. All decisions made by the user are solely their responsibility. The website does not offer any guarantees or warranties, express or implied, about the information or services provided by the website.
The website does not accept any payment methods. The player must use the app to purchase the game currency.
The website does not offer any refunds or cancellations for purchases made within the app.
The website does not have any responsibility for any problems or disputes that may arise from the purchase of the game currency within the app.
The website does not have any responsibility for any violations of the rules of the game. The player must read and agree to the rules of the game before playing.
The website does not have any responsibility for any problems or disputes that may arise from the violation of the rules of the game.
The website does not have any responsibility for any problems or disputes that may arise from the winning of the prizes within the game.
User Content
The website does not have any responsibility for any problems or disputes that may arise from the user's content within the game.
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